ok, ini sesi luahan rasa......
kalau membaca tapi nk kondem aku, sila berambus! ini pemerhatian & pengalaman aku
Yup, I got LOTS of male friends. purely friends. somehow, i wonder, are they really so difficult to understand? yet, they say women are!
one guy, tried to practice polygamy, yet ended up divorcing the wife & marries the other. Unstable (financially) after the divorce, 5 kids with the 1st wife, 3 with the new wife. Pregnant wife need to open stall, selling nasi lemak, borrow money from friends to buy thing for their kids. yet, he did once said to me; 'u are too independant, lelaki takut tau!' <-- dah aku terbiasa buat sendiri, lelaki yang mahukan aku perlu bersyukur, aku x perlu sentiasa meleseh minta bantuan. sikit2,' abang nak ke sana, tlg antar', 'abang, lampu rumah x leh nyala, tolong tengokkan.'
another, window shopping after movie, then I remember, need to buy few of make up items. YES! I worked meeting up people, need to take care of my look. even obese, still need to look well groomed. he just waited outside the shop, then after I settled my bill, he checked it & complaint that it was so expensive for a compact powder, cleanser & toner to cost me more than RM100. <-- I didn't ask you to buy it rite????? I didn't even ask your opinion to pick the colours or simply drive me there to buy itt. plus, that brand is the one that's suitable for me....
another, asked my friend & me to accompany him to buy cosmetic items for his wife, later he will sent those things to her. that time his wife is working abroad. <-- so nice!
another, will do anything to pleased the wife, yet at the same time hurting the family's heart. aiyoooo!!!!! taubat la brader... ! sayang bini jgn la melebihi sayang kat mak! bini blh cerai anytime, mak??? ko blh ganti???????? si bini pun satu hal, bukan kah motif perkahwinan untuk bersama harungi susah senang????? ko bukan harungi bersama... menyusahkan lagi ada la! kalau laki susah, sama2la usaha, ini tidak, demand sampai tahap x sedar diri!<-- nauzubillah aku jadi bini y macam ni...
another, maybe after effect of divorce, still unable to fullfill his promises to me. maybe he thinks I'm gonna made him pay! or whatever. hello! a cup of ice cream only! a shopping spree promises was also not yet fullfilled, now the ice cream issue! hhhhhmmmmmm..... x leh percaya ini olang! banyak bahaya<-- he will only remain as someone i know.
another, once, he brings his GF to my office, told her, 'ini bakal isteri x jadi saya' hehehhehee.... the girl really turned white! my reply; 'no worries, if i want him, even now i can ask him to dump you. but I am more comfortable to be his friend' when they broke up, he came weeping to me. even came few times looking for me until he left a message & contact number for me to call him when his attemp to get my numbers from my colleagues failed. they do got marrried eventually yet I didn't attend his wedding coz it was so last minute invitation. i really had a commitment that i can't cancelled. currently, we still do keep in touch, & he is still around whenever i need him. <-- that's a friend!
with all, x yah lah susah payah aku nk merajuk.... buang karan!!! tiap aku aku merajuk... pasti aku perlu memujuk hati sdr... asyik2 soalan ditanya... 'adakah aku masih marah?' kadangkala aku x marah, lebih kepada merajuk. letih tau pujuk hati sendiri!<-- haihhh.... terlalu kental juga undang masalah pada aku... fahamilah, segarang mana aku, sekeras mana nampaknya perwatakan aku.. aku masih punya hati y aku sorokkan jauh dari pandangan insan lain.
I am curious, is it so wrong when all i wanted is friendship? must every men i know think that i fall in love with them???? I am not desperate ok! coz for me, friendship worth more!
::: these are few real life encounters i had...... not all :::
mmg slalu kita rasa mcm tu, tp ade jugak lelaki yg susah nk pcaya. perasan kacak laa ingt kita ngadap sgt nk bcinta dgn dorg ni hadoiihhhh
oit klu betoi aku nk bcinta dgn ko, aku akan ngorat ko la! :p
hehhehheee... x koser aku nk ngorat. nak aku, sila ngorat yer....
aku rs ramai takut sbb takut pompuan abeskan duit diorg...
komen di luar tajuk .. heppi birthday ..
ada masa lagi seminggu laaaa
adiah mana???? teman g interview blh?
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