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Man is a model exposed to the view of different artists; everyone see it from some point of view, NOT from every point....

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

All in JB..

My birthday cake.... from my SIL

a slice for me 

the rest for all d family members...
actually kek ini my SILbuat for my sis3, me n herself. our bday happen to be a day after another... mine on 29thjune, sis3 on 30th & my SIL on 2ndJuly.

but, the cake made in JB, eaten in JB by my SIL n family... hahahaahaa... cake for eyes only. her first red velvet trial, then she colored the cream cheese... fuschia i think. coz her neighbor wanna order the red velvet cuppies, so she made this for our birthday, enjoyed by them on our behalf.

this year, i only rec 3 sms while over 50 via fb. no cards or presents.... I really appreciate those who really know  n remembers it, but thanks anyway to those who remembered coz of the fb alert. there are few that i believe do not remember me, but still send the bday wishes. i'm grateful for all are doa for my well being. ameen...


Erina Asmawani said...

sedapnya RV tu kak!! buat ena lapar pagi2 ni.huhu.

amennn..ena ingat akak selalu :)

❀aRaBeLLa❀ said...

canteknya kek tuu..wahh akak sambut besday dgn red velvet gak..ok la x de la kempunan rv macam jard..sampai meroyan2 dia kat tuiter..LOL

julietchun said...

cantiknya kek, nak makan pun sayang.

zonaku said...

ena..... akak setakat tengok je ni

zonaku said...

sambut secara virtual je.... kek tu kat JB kot... pastu korang pun celebrate bday aku ngan RV cuppies kat SA.

tuan punya badan kat penang............ huhu

zonaku said...

cantikkan???? yang cantik dan sedap simpan di perut...hahha

Syah Shah said...

peh, gambar kek sangat menggiurkan!!

zonaku said...

iye... kalau mo makan, kene datang kenduri nanti.. insyaallah.... ada le tu.
