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Man is a model exposed to the view of different artists; everyone see it from some point of view, NOT from every point....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

personality test di muKaBu*Ku

sesuka hati aku buat test ni... ini resultnya.. ada y kene, ada y x kene.. but anyway, ini for fun saja... bukan serius pun

Dear ZonAku,

based PSYCHOLOGY PERSONALITY TEST, You’re an ideal boyfriend/girlfriend... You don’t care if your partner doesn’t really love you as long as you love him/her. You give your all...

You’re intimidating! People have an impression that you’re elite—or if not, you simply look sophisticated. You gain praises but not companions.
Here is the analysis: ...

웃 : You love the crowd... a party animal! <-- aku mmg suka... memuah gathering lagi???????????
웃 : You search for love...<-- haihhhhhh............
웃 : You appreciate simple things in life... <--- setuju!!! take ccare of small things and big things take care of themselves... (mana tah aku baca ni)
웃 : You love actions... with the hero-like taste! <-- really... dramatis gak aku ni yer

ideal boyfriend/girlfriend <-- a'ah IDEAL okeh!
You give your all<-- baiknya aku
You’re intimidating<-- biar benar???????? cenggini punya pemalu ??????????
People have an impression that you’re elite—or if not, you simply look sophisticated <-- elite, sophisticated??? hehehehhee... saya sangat sukahati ni!!!!!


Syah Shah said...

ko pemalu kah? hahahahahah :P :P

yess... you're very intimidating kalu sekali pandang... dah kenal kalu, takdak hal... :D :D

Unknown said...



sejak ektip fb nih bukan men arrr!

zonaku said...

aku sangat pemalu okeh..... tp keja aku buatkan aku berani sket...

intimidating ker????? x sangka..

orang x keja cam ni la.... cuba dah keja sok... bkulat la fb tu cam dulu.

ai memang pemalu okeh!
