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Man is a model exposed to the view of different artists; everyone see it from some point of view, NOT from every point....

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

sekadar untuk renungan

aku jumpa ni kat dinding muka*buku kawan aku....

Boy: Boys are stronger then girls.
Girl: Oh! Please, can you carry a 7 pound baby in your stomach for 9 months? Can you cook, clean and talk on the phone at the same time? Can you burn your forehead with a curling iron and not complain? Can you walk all day in 5 inch heels? Can you cry all night then wake up the next morning like everything is okay?? Remember guys, woman are only helpless until their nail polish dries :)

then dia pesan ini.......
Copy and paste it in your wall if YOU are proud of being a WOMAN :))

sebab tu ada pepatah sebut, tangan yang menghayun buaian mampu menggoncang dunia


AI said...

- mmg betol sgt2...byg kan pompuan keje gak...blk umah masak, basuh baju etc etc...lelaki? tgk tv je ..aduhhh!!! kot nolong pon sekali sekala aje...

zonaku said...


Masy said...

wpon aku tak polish kuku, tp aku setuju. hohohohoo

zonaku said...

hahahahaa.....begitulah perumpamannya...

Pocket said...

pocket nak kena lawan,
biarpun pocket tak pandai,
tp pocket nak kena lawan...

'buleh ker kamu tanggung semua dosa bini, anak pompuan yg tak cukup umur, just by the shake of that tok kadi? aurat surface banyak lak tu'

'buleh ker kamu bayar bill lektrik ngan muka stret happy menahan napsu nak beli fishing rod baru hanya kerana isteri dlm pantang n perlukan aircond'

tak yah la pocket startkan lagi ngan isteri yang naaaak jgak gi spital swasta nak deliver baby biarpun spital kerajaan lebih terbukti skill mereka,
(Layanan tu lain kira)

conclusion, samer je..
lets give and take okeh :D

zonaku said...

thanks... faham pun!

er.. do not start bab spital. actually sama saja, tapi bila keterlaluan jumlah pesakit, kualiti pasti berkurangan. realiti!

julietchun said...

apa yg penting, kerjaaaaasamaaaaa :D

zonaku said...

tiap kita ada peranan tersendiri

zonaku said...
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nazwellazo said...

haha..betul2 agreed ..tapi agreed juga dgn encik pocket..peace ya!
